Insurance Providers

United Healthcare Visitors Insurance Plans for USA

United Healthcare Visitors Insurance Plans for USA

Medical expenses are very high in the United States. Therefore, when relatives are visiting the United States, many people shop for visitors insurance plans. Some visitors insurance plans participate in United Healthcare PPO network, which is very well recognized all over the country. When you visit the providers within the United Healthcare PPO, they can bill the insurance company directly and charge you network negotiated fees, saving you a lot of money.

The following insurance plans both use the United Healthcare PPO Network. When you purchase these plans, you get an instant insurance ID card by email.

Atlas America Patriot America Plus
Policy Maximum $50,000 to $2,000,000 $50,000 to $1,000,000
Coverage for 70-79 Age Group $50,000, $100,000 $50,000, $100,000
Coverage for 80+ Age Group $10,000 (up to 89) $10,000 (up to 110)
Deductibles $0 to $5,000 $0 to $2,500
Coinsurance After you pay the deductible, pays 100% to policy maximum. After you pay the deductible, pays 100% to policy maximum within the PPO network. Outside the PPO network, after you pay the deductible, it pays 80% to $5,000, and then 100% to policy maximum.
Urgent Care $15 copay, waived with $0 deductible. $25 copay, waived with $0 deductible.
Walk-in Clinic $15 copay, waived with $0 deductible. $15 copay, waived with $0 deductible.
Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions Up to policy maximum for age up to 79 years. Up to policy maximum for age up to 69 years.
Extendable Up to 12 months Up to 2 years
Underwriter Lloyd’s SiriusPoint Specialty Insurance Corporation

As you can see from the above comparison, both of them are excellent United Healthcare PPO visitors medical insurance plans.

Purchasing United Healthcare PPO travel medical insurance is very easy. Simply click on the product name above and you can make an instant purchase online now. You simply need the travel dates, name, date of birth, contact details and payment information to purchase. Insurance coverage can start as early as the next day or any future date you specify. Both the insurance plans are extendable too, in case visitors decide to stay for a longer duration that originally planned.

If you have any questions, we’re waiting for your call and happy to assist.

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