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My cousin is planning to visit us in May-Jun 24. He is 54 years of age and has hypertension. He never had any heart related problems. Would the insurance cover him for heart attack / ailments during this trip. He is planning to be in US for 17 days


Visitors Insurance plans are primarily designed to cover someone for new illnesses, injuries or accidents that either exist in the body or occur after the policy start date. They are not designed to cover someone for pre-existing conditions, routine doctors visits, or preventative treatments. 

There are many plan options that will provide coverage for an acute onset of pre-existing conditions, which is a sudden and unexpected outbreak or recurrence of a pre-existing condition that occurs suddenly, occurs without any prior symptoms or warnings, and request urgent medical treatment, usually within 24 hours. The final determination on whether or not a situation falls under this acute onset definition is made by the claims department. 

The Visitors Protect plan is the only option that includes coverage for unexpected situations that arise due to a pre-existing conditions. This plan must be purchased while the insured person is still in their home country. 

If you have any additional questions or need further help, please let us know. 

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